Let's setup your WordPress theme!

Thank you for purchasing a pipdig WordPress Theme! In less than an hour your site will be looking better than ever 😎

👉 Not created your WordPress site yet? Please see this guide first.

How to install your new theme

  1. Download the theme file (2 minutes)
  2. Upload the theme to WordPress (5 minutes)
  3. Link your social media (5 minutes)
  4. Connect your Instagram account (2 minutes)
  5. Setting up your widgets (10 minutes)
  6. Create your main menu/navbar (10 minutes)
  7. Customize the theme styles and features (10 minutes)
  8. Regenerate your site's thumbnails (2 minutes)

The steps above will get your site up and running.  You may also be interested in our other WordPress Articles.

Once you're setup, you might like to tag @pipdig on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook. We'd love to see your new site in action!